Life of the IBPC
International call for endorsement
International call for endorsement – philanthropic foundation
In response to COVID-19 global pandemic which has shown limited coordination among European countries, 76 scientists and national academy members endorse a call for a creation of European Foundation for the Prevention of Environmental and Health Crises.
Its aim would be to bring a faster response to unexpected challenges such as pandemic for example, via the simple decision of its Council of Donors. In normal times and with advice from independent Scientific Advisory Commitee, the Foundation would support academic research in fields relevant to health and environment, in order to counter possible future epidemics and environmental threats.
The Foundation would be endowed with an initial capital of 20 Bn EUR offered by donors from each of twenty-seven EU countries. The new European body would be similar to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation set up in the US 20 years ago.
To learn more or to support the call, please visit