The laboratory has six Professors who teach at Sorbonne Université:
- Alix Boulouis, Assistant Professor
- Stephan Eberhard, Assistant Professor
- Marianne Jaubert, Assistant Professor
- Ingrid Lafontaine, Full Professor
- Katia Wostrikoff, Assistant Professor
The lab is a mixed Unit of the CNRS and Sorbonne Université. It’s members are involved in teaching university students. It hosts ATER research associates and Sorbonne Université and Université Paris-Saclay monitors. The laboratory is involved in supervising students of all levels (BTS, Licence, Master) coming from Sorbonne Université or from other higher education institutions. It especially contributes to the Master’s module of Sorbonne Université « Experimental and Theoretical Approaches for Resolving Scientific Enigmas in the Laboratory Context », which is open equally to students of other universities.
The laboratory has 2 EAD (which stands for – équipes d’accueil doctoral – or doctoral supervision teams) associated with the following doctoral schools:
- Sorbonne Université (ED515) Complexité du Vivant : B. Bailleul, A. Boulouis, J.-P. Bouly, Y. Choquet (HDR), S. Eberhard, A. Falciatore (HDR), M. Jaubert, I. Lafontaine (HDR), O. Vallon (HDR), F.-A. Wollman (HDR), K. Wostrikoff.
- Université Paris-Saclay (ED567) Sciences du Végétal : du gène à l’écosystème : R. Kuras, C. de Vitry (HDR)