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Capture d’écran 2023-07-17 à 16.01.06 Recent Publications


Under the direction of Ciarán Condon (DR1, CNRS), our team is interested in the identification, characterization and regulation of ribonucleases in Bacillus subtilis. The team is currently working on the role and specificity of the KapD RNase involved in the sporulation process of B. Subtilis. [more informations…]

Frédérique Braun (MCU, Univ. Paris Cité) is also characterizing a new RNase (Rae1/YacP) that associates with the ribosome to cleave its target mRNAs. [More information…]

Sylvain Durand (CR, CNRS) has been studying the mechanisms by which regulatory RNAs control the activity of these RNases, and more recently the post-translational modifications of these RNases. Indeed, these modifications could play an important role in controlling their activity. [More information…].

On the other hand, Valérie Heurgué-Hamard (DR2, CNRS) has just joined our team and is interested in the methylation of the translational apparatus in the eukaryotic model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The major techniques used are molecular biology, genetics, protein biochemistry, as well as the determination of three-dimensional structures in collaboration with structural biologists. [More information…]

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