2011 – 2018 Publications


Chapitres dans des ouvrages

Rappaport Fabrice
Chapter 16 – Modulation of the redox potentials
in Light Harvesting in Photosynthesis, pp 359-377

Croce R, van Grondelle R, van Amerongen H & van Stokkum I (Eds.) – 2018 – Light Harvesting in Photosynthesis (1st ed.). CRC Press.




Chapitres dans des ouvrages

Rappaport Fabrice

A Method Aimed at Assessing the Functional Consequences of the Supramolecular Organization of the Respiratory Electron Transfer Chain by Time-Resolved Studies.
in Mitochondrial Regulation
Methods in Molecular Biology Volume 1241, 2015, pp 95-109



Plastid Biology

Series: Advances in Plant Biology, Vol. 5

Theg Steven, Wollman Francis-André (Eds.)

2014, XII, 589 p.


Chapitres dans des ouvrages

Rappaport Fabrice, Haraux Francis et Wollman Francis-André
L’énergie et le vivant.
in: Mosseri, R. et Jeandel, C (eds.) L’énergie à découvert, pp. 54-57. Paris, CNRS Editions
Rappaport Fabrice, and Boussac Alain.
Photosystem II: Water Oxidation, Overview
In: Lennarz W.J. and Lane M.D. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, vol. 3, pp. 520-524. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.


Chapitres dans des ouvrages

Bassi R, Cardol P, Choquet Y, de Marchin T, Economou C, Franck F, Goldschmidt-Clermont M, Jacobi A, Janssens M, Loizeau K, Mathy G, Plancke C, Posten C, Purton S, Remacle C, Wei L, Wollman F-A
Finding the bottleneck: A research strategy for improved biomass production.
in Microalgal Biotechnology: Integration and Economy, 227-252. Berlin, Boston: DE GRUYTER.Ed. by Posten, Clemens / Walter, Christian