CECAM workshop on Flexible Macromolecular Docking
April 28-30, 2004
Lyon, France

HADDOCK: an information-driven flexible docking approach

Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin, Utrecht University.

    In my talk, I will describe our recently developed information-driven flexible docking approach HADDOCK (High Ambiguity Driven protein protein DOCKing) (http://www.nmr.chem.uu.nl/haddock), that makes use of biochemical and/or biophysical information. The experimental information is introduced as highly ambiguous interaction restraints (AIRs) to drive the docking process.
    HADDOCK uses an all-atom representation of the system. Flexibility is accounted for in different ways during the docking protocol:
i) in the initial rigid body energy minimization stage by starting the docking from ensembles of conformations (e.g. a NMR ensemble of structures, snapshots from a MD simulation)
ii) during the semi-flexible simulated annealing refinement stage by allowing flexibility at the interface first, only for side-chain atoms, and then, for both side-chain and backbone atoms
iii) in the final SA refinement in explicit water by progressively allowing flexibility in the remaining of the system in addition to the defined, flexible interface.

- Dominguez, C. Boelens, R. and Bonvin, A.M.J.J. (2003). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113. 1731

